
Julieta Colombo

Full Stack developer and Software Engineer student

About Me

I am currently studying software engineering and I am a developer in Devartis.
I love learning other languages. Besides my mother tongue, Spanish, I speak German and English.
In this short time I've been working in several and diverse projects, solving tasks mostly of Frontend and Backend. In addition to that, I've gained very important knowledge and experiences that complement those given by college, that enable my professional growth, letting me take over more complex and different tasks. I am persistent and creative, I like challenges and my professional goal is to develop my potential to the top, reaching not only my personal aims but also those of my employer.



Full Stack developer

Responsible of designing and model solutions that fit problem domain, pairing with other members of the team, participating in sprint plannings, estimating tasks, solving bugs and issues in Frontend and Backend, etc.


Assistant professor

Subject: System Design Responsible of giving lessons, correcting exams and practical activities of students. I was also in charge of a group of students to coach them in due to achieve their goal, which was designing a web application in order to get a good grade.
This subject belongs to the third degree in Software Engineering at UTN, and it is the trunk subject of that degree.


Assistant professor

Subject: Programming Paradigms
Responsible of giving lessons, correcting exams and practical activities of students and also creating new material for the class.
This subject belongs to the second degree in Software Engineering at UTN.


Universidad Tecnológica Nacional

2012 - Now

Software Engineering

The software engineer is a professional with solid analytical training that allows the interpretation and resolution of problems through the use of systems methodologies and information processing technologies.
By its preparation it is especially apt to integrate the information coming from different disciplinary fields concurrent to a common project.
The capacity acquired in the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional allows him to face with solvency the planning, development, direction and control of the information systems.
He has knowledge that allows him to manage the human, physical and application resources that intervene in the development of information systems projects.
Acquires skills that enable him to perform managerial functions according to his professional training.
Is qualified to address research and development projects, integrating interdisciplinary teams in cooperation, or assuming effective leadership in the technical and methodological coordination of them.
The received education enables it for an efficient transmission of knowledge.
In short, the comprehensive preparation received in technical and humanistic subjects, place it in a relevant position in a medium where society will increasingly demand the engineer a great commitment to the preservation of the environment, the improvement of the quality of life in general and a great social responsibility in the professional task.


Language Exams

First Certificate in English (FCE)

Level B

Cambridge Assessment English
Proves having the language skills to live and work independently in an English-speaking country or study on courses taught in English.

Deutsche Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz (DSD) Stufe II

Level C1

The DSD II certifies sufficient knowledge of German to face a university study in the Federal Republic of Germany,
consisting of the examination of an oral and written part. The latter includes:

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